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Series 1
Sadhana – the path of yoga
Sacred space
3. Personal
4. Habits,
routines and rituals
5. Love,
Learning to
6. Diet
as a Niyama
7. Asanas
8. Pranayama
9. Sense
10. Concentration,
11. Meditation
12. Samadhi
Series 2
1. Yoga anatomy
2. Kriyas, detox and cleanse
3. Mudra and Bandhas
4. Nadis and Kundalini
5. Aura and Koshas
6. Atman: the Soul
7. Aum: the universal sound
8. Nada: sound
9. Japa; mantra repetition
10. Soham and the breath
11. Nidra: yoga nidra and relaxation
12. Visualisation for relaxation
Series 3
1. History of yoga
2. Hinduism and Yoga
3. Veda
4. Avadhuta Gita
5. Upanishads
6. Bhagavad Gita
7. Tantras, Agamas and Puranas
8. Tamil Siddhas
9. Dattatreya
10. Patanjali
11. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda
12. Sivananda
Series 4
1. Muldahara Chakra
2. Svadhistana Chakra
3. Manipura Chakra
4. Anahata Chakra
5. Vishuddha Chakra
6. Ajna Chakra
7. Saharara Chakra
8. Karma Yoga
9. Jnana Yoga
10. Bhakti Yoga
11. Raja Yoga
12. Hatha Yoga
Series 5
2. Kriyas
3. Tapas
4. Dharma
5. Asramas
6. Sadhana
7. Tirtha Yatra
8. Yantra
9. Meditation Techniques
10. Sutras of Patanjali
11. Sutras of other teachers
12. Thirumandiram
Series 6
1. Guru and Shishya
2. Brahma
3. Vishnu
4. Shiva
5. Female Deities
6. Ganapati and Kartikeya
7. Hinduism
8. Buddhism and Jainism
9. Modern Teachers
10. Osho
11. Krishnamurti
12. Transforming yourself through Yoga
Subjects may be changed
according to course development and on-going requirements.
Derek Osborn / Swami Shantananda Brahmendra Avadhuta July